our Commitment

Creating for
the future.

Success is measured in more than dollars.

Our Evergreen certification from the Tugboat Institute is one of the most important designations we’ve ever pursued as a company. Evergreen companies embody an intention of success that isn’t measured in just dollars, but longevity, responsible growth, long-term adaptability, and a people-first approach to how we do business. These private businesses set the bar for how businesses in any industry can operate sustainably, predictably, happily, well into the future so we might serve our customers and our employees with mutual respect and honor.

We earned our Certified Evergreen designation in 2021 and now join others in the ongoing process of committing and recommitting each year to seven key tenets that help guide our business practices and strategic decisions as our company grows.

Evergreen 7Ps Principles.

The Evergreen 7Ps® principles are the defining characteristics of Evergreen. The first three Ps—Purpose, Perseverance, and People First—define the character of the leaders and team. The last four Ps—Private, Profit, Paced Growth, and Pragmatic Innovation—reflect the long-term strategy tenets of an Evergreen business.


Having a compelling reason for existing—a North Star above all else.


Having the ambition and the resilience to overcome obstacles and keep pursuing the purpose indefinitely into the future.

People first.

Engaging a workforce of talented associates who excel as a team and are motivated by the purpose and the culture, as well as by total compensation, and the belief that, by taking care of them, they will take care of the customers, suppliers, partners, communities, and their families.

Pragmatic innovation.

Embracing a continuous-improvement process built around taking capital-efficient, calculated risks to innovate creatively within constraints


Taking advantage of the ability of closely-held private companies to have a longer-term view, greater confidentiality around strategies, and more operating flexibility than public or exit-oriented businesses.


Not mistaking profit as the purpose of the business, but recognizing it is essential to survival and independence, and the most accurate measure of customer value delivered.

Paced growth.

Having the discipline to focus on long-term strategy, balance short-term and long-term performance, and grow steadily and consistently from year to year.